photo (2) The youth empowerment organization “Food What?!” brought their summer job program to Live Earth Farm.

Each Friday 20 youth came to the farm and worked side by side with farmers, harvesting, planting, sorting, and weeding. This was a great way to integrate young community members into our farming family. It was mutually beneficial for both groups.

photo (4)The youth got to see and experience the level of skill and hard work that it takes to farm and the farmers got an opportunity to mentor and share the work load. Over the summer the “Food What?!” youth harvested thousands of dollars worth of organic produce, planted thousands of starts, and killed thousands of weeds.

Live Earth Farm is grateful for the partnership with “Food What?!” and looks forward to the possibility of being a site for the Fall employment program. We are also pleased to welcome youth from the fall catering team to Slice, our fall dinner in the orchard.  The youth will both help serve the meal and speak about their experience working with the Farm and Discovery Program.

-Peter Nelson, Live Earth Farm Discovery Program Program Assistant